I am a misfit, you see
Not that I chose to be
But I guess my Soul did
And if She did, what can I do?
I mean, I tried…
I did my best to fit in
To be perfect
To be special
I succeeded in everything
And failed in all
Until it felt so hopeless
That I stopped trying
And just followed the call
First it was the call of sadness, hopelessness, despair
It was an outcry of a little soul
Who had lost hope…
Who couldn’t find home
Who couldn’t find love
I followed that call
As there was nothing more left to do…
That’s how I came to my Heart
That’s where the call was singing its sad songs
Calling home…
And the more I followed that call
Through all the mazes and enchanted forests on the way
The more clear it got –
I’m perfect from the start
It’s just that my perfection
Is not the one of societal standards
Not the one of moral norms
Not the one of power and money
Not the one of anything false
My perfection uncovers pain and shame
My perfection does not keep quiet
My perfection does not fit in
the Truth
That’s why…
I cannot compromise
That’s why…
I am a misfit, you see
And so I choose be
I choose to be the Truth
And I welcome you
All of you
Especially the ones who don’t fit in
The ones cast out
I welcome each and every one of you, no doubt
You are welcome here
You are welcome in Truth
You are welcome
I love you