He danced me to heaven
And I surrendered
And from each Surrender
We were thrown into new heights, into undiscvovered heavens…
“How high can we go?” I asked myself
And forgot the question right away
My mind turned off
No need to know
While each cell of my body vibrated the knowing that…
… I can
Lose myself in the dance
Just follow the flow
Because first… he followed me
Into the depth of my Surrender…
Into each of my move and swing
ready to catch me
from a swirl no matter how crazy
I went along
and lost control
In all those twists and turns
ups and downs and swirls
because I could
because I knew I won’t fall
I knew for sure!
Finally I knew for sure!
… I fell and he followed
One-way direction it was
Just like the one coming up from the fall
Catapulting us into new heights
On the speed of light
Or slowly swinging on a spiral stairway to heaven
Yes… deep and high are one-way directions
Into eachother
And trust is the ticket
Trust in yourself first
Because from there… you know for sure
From there you choose
Not even knowing what
If there is real trust
It is enough
For getting to heaven